The list of the 10 U.S. cities where people spend the most amount of their yearly grocery bill on unhealthy food was released recently. Being from North Carolina I cannot say that I am especially proud that Charlotte was #5. The metro Charlotte region spends 10.9 percent of their annual food dollars in the unhealthy category. This would include items such as cake and brownie mixes, cookies, candies, frozen pizza, full-fat mayonnaise, chips and salty snacks, soft drinks, ice cream, bacon and sausage.
The #1 metro area was Minneapolis-St Paul, where people spend 11.5 percent. The top 10 look like this:
1. Minneapolis-St Paul
2. Richmond, VA
3. Indianapolis
4. Chicago
5. Charlotte
6. Louisville
7. New Orleans
8. Nashville
9. Memphis
10. Milwaukee (good thing they didn't include beer on the list)
This study was for the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S.
So which cites spent the least on unhealthy foods? The bottom five areas are Providence, R.I., Boston, MA, Portland, OR, Hartford, CT and Austin/San Antonio.
Tom Thorne
Hey Tom Thorne,
You are correct most of the people spend most of their yearly grocery bill on unhealthy food. It is better to be with home-made & natural foods always. Fast foods bring more dieases and bad effects. We should know to be with nature and use the nature and live healthy with the help of nature.
-Milly (Nature Mom)
Wow what a research that's true most people spend most of the money on junk foods like ready to eat foods. Don't know what our future will be??
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