The feverfew plant.
Feverfew comes from the same tribe of plants (asteraceae) as the daisy. Since the 1st century A.D., it has been used for the treatment of headache, stomachaches and fever. Feverfew has anti-inflammatory, stimulant, relaxant, decongestant and anti-coagulant properties.
Feverfew is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of frequent and serious migraine headaches. From the Natural Health (2007-03-01) we are told that "in a recent, well-designed clinical trial, 170 German patients took a placebo pill or an extract of feverfew for 16 weeks. Those taking Feverfew had significantly fewer migraines."
Feverfew should be taken daily as a preventative, rather than a treatment for migraines. Herbal experts recommend tapering off the dose if you are going to quit taking the herb.
In my opinion, treating the source is a far superior method when compared to treating the cause. I worked with treating the cause for 40 years and things just got worse. I am on the road to recovery now and I love living life Feeling Outstanding!
Tom Thorne
I wanted this info and thank you for that because I too think that destroying the source is very important as u mentioned.
Feverfew herbal preparations are made from the plant’s leaves. Feverfew is typically taken in a capsule, tincture, tea or fresh leaf form. It is important to always consult a licensed healthcare provider if you are thinking of using feverfew or other dietary supplements to treat any health condition.
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