I know that most of us are in the blues regarding the price of gas. I sure am. Even though the national average price has dropped to $3.67 per gallon it still hurts to fill up the car. This blog is about living life and feeling outstanding so see if their is any silver lining to this from the business standpoint.
As oil prices neared $150 a barrell costs seemed to increase for everything from jet fuel to plastic jars. The big question was how many companies would just fold up under this increased pressure?
The surprising answer is not many. The business men and women of this country continue to display amazing resilience. The concept of Theory Y employees that was proposed by Douglas McGregor back in 1960 has seemed to blossom as new ideas and ways to cut costs have been coming from all corners. And there have been a lot more cost cutting measures than just laying people off.
Granted, unemployment, which has jumped to a high in recent years of 5.6% is an issue, especially for those who are unemployed. But we also have to realize that throughout the mid 1990s up until very recently this country has been going through a period of great economic success. When I was in undergradute school at Indiana University in the late 1970s, 5% unemployment was considered to be 'normal.'
Productivity jumped by 4.3 percent in the April-June quarter. That's big news! My point is that with the many ingenious ideas that companies have developed to save money so the could stay in business and the productivity increases that have occured, when things turn for the better, companies should be in better shape.
In hard times as well as good times let's not forget about our health. Let's not forget to take care of ourselves, to eat right, exercise and take the nutritional supplements we need.
Here's to living life Feeling Outstanding.
Tom Thorne
I agree with you about the last increase of oil prices up to near $ 150 it affect really all the other products prices including even foods plus also the increase of costs of all services..but as the oil prices dropped already to near $ 106 .. so we hope the mad prices to come down by the same rate about 28% .. have a nice day and thanks alot for your visit
That is 100% true that these gas prices are going up to sky. With increase of gas prices a common is cutting on the food items. That is harsh truth. Good Article...keep updating
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