The pressures on our time today are enormous. It definitely takes a lot of will power and determination to eat well and keep up a regular a workout program. It also takes a hard head, or some people call it, a cold heart.
Consider these two situations. My friend Ron knows he shouldn't drink alcohol. He suffers from headaches almost every time he does. And Amy knows that sugar is one of a couple very real causes of headaches in her life and that she needs to avoid it like the plague.
Ron and his buddies were taken to an Atlanta Falcons vs. Oakland Raiders game by a vendor. Ron, who has lived in several different parts of the country was now living just outside of Atlanta. He was a die hard Raiders fan since he was a small child. The Raiders had a pretty good team that yea. He really wanted to rub it in to his native Atlanta friends after the Raiders beat the Falcons, as he was sure they would. Ron was feeling outstanding right now.
The setting was fantastic. They were in the company climate-controlled sky box sitting back relaxing on nice chairs looking down on fans in the bleachers shivering. As the game proceeded, they watched a middle aged gentleman reach over the top of other fans to get his drink while they sat back comfortably and feasted on a nice catered meal. Tender sliced beef, chicken cordon bleu and pasta salad, the whole 9 yards, And yes, of course, the liquor was flowing. Ron was well aware of liquor being one of the leading causes of headaches for him, but the temptation was awful. Amy, on the other hand, was invited to a party for an old classmate. Her friends house was decorate to the max. All kinds of party favors in honor of the great achievement of turning 40. Of course, there was a birthday cake that looked out of this world, along with soda and wine coolers galore. Everyone was mercilessly indulging themselves.
What are Ron and Amy going to do? Is Ron going to cave in to the peer-pressure and drink that beer or two? Is he going to rationalize away the danger and say 'sometimes I can get by with one?' Is Amy going to justify a piece of cake and a cooler by saying 'just this once?' They are both very well aware of the consequences, but food and drink make a devastating temptation. It takes a hard head to do what's right. It takes a tough minded person to turn down that momentary pleasure for the overall good.
Enjoy yourself and have fun!
Tom Thorne
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