Monday, July 14, 2008

Migrane Headache Relief - Part 2

I can remember having migraine headaches as a young boy, probably between 5 and 8 years old. In fact it is one of my earliest remembrances. I remember being sent to the elementary school nurse because of headaches many times. And I also remember how much my teacher, the nurse and the principal doubted that I was in any real pain.

As I grew older I accquired a part time job as a substitute teacher while attending Indiana University. I stayed quite busy and it made for a decent part time job while in college except for one thing, almost every day I would come home with a migraine headache. I began to think it was stress that was leading to the headaches, and of course that may have had something to do with it. Almost all of the so called experts at the time told me that headaches were a cause of stress. Funny thing was, I really didn't have that much stress in my life at the time. I honestly didn't. And I was just as likely to develop a headche whether I had a stressful day or not. That theory just didn't fly.

Over time I went to see M.D.'s, neorologists, chiropractors, cranial-sacral chiropractors, naturopaths, neurologists, accupuncture specialists, an Australian spinologist, integrated medical specialists, etc. Unfortunately, the pain continued.

The neurologists and M.D.s prescribed at least 4 different medications that had "helped many people in the past". Some of these medications, like some of the vitamins and nutrients I had taken before did have a very short and limited benefit. The higher I got in the medical field the more potent the drugs became, and the more serious the side effects. The most common side effect I experienced was weakness. Drugs would often leave me feeling like I was operating at about the 80% level and I did not want that. There had to be something better.

The headaches kept getting worse. Not necessarily more severe. There is not much more severe pain than that of a migraine headache, but they did become more frequent. At the age of about 40 or so I became pretty well hooked on BC and Goodies powders. They were the only OTC medication that I could get my hands on that either provided some relief or didn't make my headaches become immediately worse. Within about a year I was taking the powders every day, and usually more than just once a day. Often 2, 3, 4 or even 5 times a day.

I came to realize that these powders were causing "rebound" headaches, but, I became so frightened of migraines that I felt if I didn't take them at the first sign of a headache it would turn into a migraine. Eventually I received a prescription for Immatrex, which did not agree with me at all. Immatrex led to such devastating rebound headaches that I had to quit taking them. I re-tried Immatrex therapy four or five times hoping that my body would be more tolerant, but there was never any improvement.

Before I go on, let me say that any of these medications or treatments I have described may work well on certain people. If they do, that's great. Don't run from something that works. They just did not work for me.

I want to describe how bad my addiction to these medications became in my next blog. But as I said yesterday, there is hope. I have made tremendous accomplishments against headaches. I cannot wait to share my experiences.

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