- Magnesium. Research shows that intravenous magnesium helps break migraine and cluster headaches, particularly in those with low levels of this mineral. Other trials also have shown that oral magnesium may help prevent headaches.
- Riboflavin. In an open-label trial (no placebo control group), 400 milligrams a day for six months cut migraines headache frequency in half and decreased medication use.
- Coenyme Q10. This vitamin-like substance participates in mitochondrial energy production. When 42 migraine sufferers took either Coenzyme Q10 (100 milligrams three times a day) or a placebo, the supplement significantly reduced the frequency of attacks.

The supplements mentioned above can be purchased at a very reasonable price through http://www.feelingoutstanding.com/Supplements.html
And to purchase the excellent MiGone Plus Native Remedies Natural Headache Relief product visit http://www.feelingoutstanding.com/Natural_Headache_Relief.html
Here's to life! Here's to Feeling Outstanding.
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