There's something about running water. Beauty, excitement, freedom. I just completed my Total Gym exercise routine. 40 minutes of good exercise and no head pain after. I would have never been able to do that without a headache 7 months ago, or a year and 7 months ago, or 5 years and 7 months ago. Natural headache relief, what an outstanding feeling.
There have been some studies recently about the health benefits of coffee. In my blog tonight I do not mean to dispute these studies that I'm sure were done by a lot smarter people than me, but I do want to share my experience with coffee hoping that it may benefit some headache victims.
Coffee is an extremely addictive substance. I have strongly felt for quite a while that coffee has been a headache trigger. To this day, nearly every time I pass a pot of coffee, and especially when I smell the aroma, I yearn for a sip. Even after I started taking the VEMMA nutritional supplement, started wearing new eyeglasses, stopped eating foods with MSG and really started to feel a lot better I would still get a migraine every 1-2 weeks. Almost always it happened to be on a weekend, so my fun time was taken up by laying in bed with miserable pain.
After a weekend of headaches I would come into work on Monday with a brand new spirit. I was going to stop drinking coffee. Thursday would come around, the week was wearing on me by now. Generally on Thursday I would justify a third or a half a cup, which would usually turn into a whole cup. I do not know what I did to make it seem ok, but somehow I was always able to.
When Friday would come around I knew I was in trouble. I had to either drink another cup or two or have a migraine. So usually, I would drink that next cup (or two). By Friday night or Saturday morning I would be shot, the pain would be at about a level 6 out of 10 already. And it would continually get worse. There was nothing I could do at that point. I had made up my mind that the headache medication was out of the picture. I would live through the headache which would mean one or two days of absolute misery.
We are into early to mid June 2008 on my journey now. About this time I had to do some real soul searching. What did I want out of life? What was really important to me? Was drinking coffee that powerful? Was it more powerful than me? Was I hopelessly addicted? Was I that weak that I couldn't stop? I had to fight it for several days, really fight. I struggled hard and I have been victorious so far. I haven't had a cup of coffee since the last week of June. I think it's more than coincidental that I haven't had a migraine headache since then. I still have had a couple of small headaches, but no migraines.
I still want to eliminate headaches completely. I don't even want minor headaches. Tomorrow I will describe the most recent attempt I have made and the results thus far.
Here's to good health. Here's to Feeling Outstanding.
For more information on headache relief take a look at: http://www.feelingoutstanding.com/Natural_Headache_Relief.html
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