I am so much happier and at peace now that I have re-gained my life! You would have rarely seen me smile like this for as long as I can remember up until January, 2008.
In the last few days of 2007 I was laying awake at 2:00 a.m. one morning with a blasted migraine headache. My head was pounding. The pain was so intense I could not get to sleep. I turned on the TV hoping that the noise would cause a little distraction at least. On the TV was a "prosperity" preacher. He said that if any of us are having pain or suffering to write him and he would pray for us. I did so. Whether you call it coincidence or not doesn't really matter but it was right after that letter I sent that things really started to happen.
It was Jan 1, 2008 when I received an email from VEMMA nutrtional supplements stating that it was great, fantastic, and everything else. I get emails like this often and I nearly always don't even give them a second look. For some reason I read this one through and sent for it without wasting any time. It was on or around Jan 6 when I received the product in the mail. From the second day after using VEMMA I literally felt a difference. I went 3 days in a row without a headache and I felt a noticeable increase in my energy level.
It was incredible, 3 days in a row, almost unheard of. It was at the same time that I decided to go ahead with Dr. T.'s advice and made an appointment for an eye exam. By the time that I went to the eye doctor I knew that I was feeling some relief from headaches, but I honestly did not feel like they were more than 75% - 80% better. The optomistist did a thorough job as well as the Opti-Mop procedure spoken about yesterday. The doctor who was a kind, middle aged female told me that my left eye was far stronger than my right eye. This was causing my right eye to strain all of the time trying to keep up with my left eye. She felt strongly this could lead to headaches also.
Throughout 2007 I had been taking an average of 60-75 headache "junk" (either B.C. powders, Goodies powders or immatrex pills) per month. I started taking VEMMA on Jan 6 or 7 and I got my new eyeglasses on Jan 23. During the month of Januaty I took a total of 12 doses of headache "junk." That's down from an average of 60-75. That is significant. You don't need to do a t-test on that!
That's not where it stops, but that is where it has got to stop for me tonight. It's 9:29 p.m. and I haven't eaten yet. I'm hungry.
Keep up the good spirits, keep thinking positive, enjoy yourself and have fun.
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