Glacier National Park. Beautiful.
A drop in headache medications fron 60-75 per month through 2005-2007 to 12 in January 2008. Two items that have helped so far. A new nutritional supplement called VEMMA and eyeglasses. But I wasn't through yet. I now had some ambition again, drive to get better. Unlike before, I now knew it was possible. February, the short month, I took a total of 8 headache pills (I'm going to generically call the headache medication "pills" from now on). The number of headaches I was getting was continually dropping. March was down to 5.
It was about this time I felt I had reached somewhat of a standstill. It wasn't that all of my headaches completly disappeared. The level of pain had dropped, so that I was able to live through more without taking anything. There was still a dreadful fear of a migraine though. And I still got them. They were down from 2-3 per week to one every 1-2 weeks. Toward the end of March I made a big decision. I was through taking any of the pills. I haven't taken one since March 26.
That is the fourth point that I want to emphasize (#1-new nutritional supplement, #2-eyeglasses, #3-exercise, #4-no more B.C.'s or Immatrex). I rounded up a tremendous amount of courage one day when I had a migraine and decided I was through with the pills. I lived through the pain, but I survived. Now I know that has been a significant change also.
The few times that I did take pills there toward the end, they still led to the same issue. Rebound headaches which would evenutally turn into migraines. That would make a 1-2 day headache turn into 4-5-6 days, with the first 2-3 not so bad and then the last 1-3 just awful. But as I said, I still would get headaches every 1-2 weeks. When I would get a headache it would turn into a migraine. But now I was not taking the pills that did sometimes provided immediate relief. But remember, the pain generally came back worse within 24-48 hours.
I went from a situation where I had headaches nearly every day with an average of 2 migraines per week to having no headaches on most days and a migraine every 1-2 weeks. That is a tremendous amount of improvement.
Nex week I would like to talk about exercise and share some things that I have learned over these 40 years that might help. I would also like to continue the story with the attempts I am making now to rid myself of migraines completely. I am not going to stop, I'm ever so close.
Enjoy life and do your best to stay healthy. Everybody benefits.
To see how fit you are check out the body mass index calculator http://www.FeelingOutstanding.com/Calculate_Fitness.html
Many people have chosen Native Remedies for their ailing pets http://www.FeelingOutstanding.com/Pet_Health.html
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