She rarely gets migraine headaches.

My headaches reached their peak about four years ago and stayed the same for three and one half years. It was near the beginning of that time frame that I was introduced to Immatrex. My strategy was as follows, if I woke up with a slight headache, I would follow the experts advice and take a B.C. powder right away. If I woke up with a severe headache, I would take an Immatrex right away. Because of the expense involved, I tried to save Immatrex for the really severe pain.
Normally, if I did not wake up with a headache I would develop one before noon. Once again, if it didn't come on real hard I'd go for the OTC stuff. If it approached like thunder, then I would go for the big boys (big dollar) items. I became so hooked on B.C. powders and Immatrex that I became a slave to the pill. It is a pretty well known fact that both of these medications lead to rebound headaches, but I was so deathly afraid of migraine's that I took them anyway. I really, honestly became frightened at the thought of having a migraine. Even though I would have a headache almost every single day, I still maintained taking these pills, knowing that they were not helping the overall situation. Even with taking as many as I did (up to five B.C.s a day at times), I would still get migraine headaches 1-2 times nearly every week.
It was miserable. I virtually lost all of last summer. Outside of my job, I spent most of the summer in bed, doing nothing. I would exercise and get a headache. I would try to go outside and do some yard work I would end up with a headache. I would eat a nice meal and surely there would be something in it that would trigger a headache. It was awful. I really did not know if life was worth living. Many times in the midst of a migraine I would pray to God asking if my life could end, if this could be the last night.
November, 2007 was a significant month in my life. I was sick and tired of headaches, sick and tired of trying the same old thing, sick and tired of living the way I was. Something had to change. Something different had to happen, or my life was not worth living. In tomorrow's blog I will begin to explain the relief I have had and what I did to achieve it.
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Enjoy life, have fun, be generous and feel great!
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