The butterbur herb, pictured on the left is a member of the Asteraceae family. Not only has it been helpful for headaches but also used t0 treat spasms in the respiratory and digestive tract. From the Mother Earth News website it is stated that "Three clinical trials (including one in children and teens) have shown that this herb, taken as a preventative measure, safely and effectively reduces the number of migraines Benefits become obvious at about 4 weeks. The following web site has more information about butterbur: http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?herbal-remedies-usa+cqup28+butterbur-information.html
Feverfew is a relative of the common daisy and since the time of 78 A.D. was been used for the treatment of headaches, menstrual irregularities, stomach aches, and fever. It was also used for melancholy and depression. Early European herbalists used Feverfew for reducing fevers, vertigo, and depression, but by the 18th century it was rejected as a medicinal herb and was not used again until the late 1970s. It was then that the wife of a chief medical officer of the National Coal Board in England suffered severe migraine headaches. A sympathetic miner suggested she try a folk treatment. She took his advice and chewed Feverfew leaves and her headaches disappeared almost completely. Feverfew has anti-inflammatory, stimulant, relaxant, decongestant and anti-coagulant properties. To get some more information regarding feverfew check out the following website: http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?herbal-remedies-usa+cqup28+feverfew-information.html
Native Remedies has produced a product called 'MiGone Plus' that combines Feverfew, Silybum Marianus (milk thistle) and Passiflora that has worked very well at reducing migraine headaches for many people. For more information on Migone Plus take a look at www.nativeremedies.com/migone_for_migraines_headaches.shtml?kbid=9838&img=migoneplus-120x90.gif
I highly recommend MiGone Plus.The benefits of trying one of the nutritional supplements or herbal products I have talked about in the last couple of days are two-fold. First, they are all natural products and are not going to cause violent side effects or addictions, and second, they are not going to cost an arm and a leg. When compared to prescriptions, even with health insurance coverage, they are very comparable, sometimes better. Without insurance, there is not even a comparison.
I hope you are all doing well. I can truly say that I am almost 49 right now and I don't know if I have ever felt as good as I do now. Many praises to our great creator.
Here's to your health, here's to Feeling Outstanding.
1 comment:
luke warm oil massage helps a lot during migraine headaches
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