I had a thorough exam. They did the the echocardiogram and a stress test. I even made the office's "wall-of-fame" for lasting longer than any other who had done the test. I'm not sure how long the period of time their recoreds covered but I made the top of the list.
I had a great talk with the nurse who told me how much fun her job was and that she was making pretty good money. I had a talk with the doctor, almost pleading for him to say that the tests were positive.
After the tests were over (it took about an hour) I was sent home with the assurance that I would be told either a "ya" or "nay" within a week. I went home with a headache (naturally) but my spirits were high. The folks in church noticed a difference on Sunday. I was far happier than normal.
The day for my results rolled around. I called the office as I was instructed. They said "we have good news, your heart is in great shape. Nothing at all wrong." That was not the news I wanted to hear. I wanted something to be wrong. I wanted to know what was causing the headaches that I suffered with for all of these years. It was back to square one, back to the drawing board. But, at least I knew that being 48 years old my heart was healthy. Better than a lot of people. It did seem like small compensation, but honestly I am glad.
The PFO was not my problem. I think in the past several blogs I have shown that PFO is a real cause for migraine headaches for some people and a promising new avenue for relief. It just was not my saving grace.
I have been taking the VEMMA nutritional supplement now for seven months and I know it has boosted my energy level and helped my overall health. You might want to give it a try.
I hope all is well. If you are suffering from headaches I hope that this series of blogs plus my previous series has been some help or given you some ideas.
1 comment:
Such a big relief that there is some blog like this is helping so many people all around the world.
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