When a person develops a migraine headache, the primary and immediate concern is relief from the incredible pain. All too often individuals in this situation grab a bottle and down one, two or three of the common over-the-counter headache medications to fix the issue. The problem is, that does not fix the issue.
People who take 2-3 or more of these medications per week are at strong risk to become caught in a desperate rebound headache cycle, where they have near daily headaches of one degree or another. There has got to be a better way to fight this modern day scourge on mankind. A person in such a situation has lost control of his or her life. They are slave to an evil taskmaster that will not allow them to do many of the things that they would like and not to enjoy so much of what life has to offer.
Through testing, three of the most effective herbal remedies for migraines are feverfew, butterbur and pine bark. Let's take a look at all three of these promising alternative treatments for migraine. In tomorrow's blog we will start to look at each of these three herbal remedies.
I hope all is well. I received a great comment on CoQ10 and a more common dosage (200-300 mg per day and 90 days to assess benefits), thanks to Mary Kay! If any one has information to share, please do so. We are all in a learning process!
Tom Thorne
Well written!
As I read more and more of your stuff, I'm growing to really love your blog. Keep up the good work.
PS My link is wrong on your site! :)
This is one cool blog about herbal products. This is giving a good knowledge to people who are not into herbs. Good work
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