In my last couple of postings I started to talk about aura, or the experience some people have before they come down with a migraine headache. As we saw yesterday, there are many different manifestations of an aura. The question remains, does this happen to everyone who has migraines?
I once had a friend who lived near the west coast and she was telling me about these wild experiences that she had before migraine headaches. Bright lights, distortions of objects, strange smells, etc. I had heard and read about this but never had anyone describe it to me as vividly as she. This lady was an excellent employee of one of the major phone companies. there was definitely nothing wrong with the way she communicated and put out work. She was very competent at her job. She had migraines often, and she did experience aura.
On the other hand, I have been a migraine victim for many years and I never recall having aura. My mother also, who before she passed away fought migraine headaches for years never experienced aura either, to the best of my knowledge.
My conclusion is that some people do have aura before migraine headaches and some do not. Aura, in and by itself is not an indication of how severe your headache will be. The friend I spoke of earlier who did experience aura had very severe headaches. My mother and I who never did, also have had excruciating headaches.
One of the things that has helped some people with their tension, stress and headaches are aromatherapy herbal packs. These beautiful, handcrafted eye and neck pillows come in 5 celestial colors and patterns with optional lavender and peppermint scents. They provide wonderful comfort and great relaxation as many testimonials show. A great bargain and a great gift item.
Great idea! I will try it!
I haven't read very far into your blog yet, but I see things from a metaphysical perspective, and your questions about aura are fascinating from that angle. I understand that many people look at the "aura" experienced prior to migraines and seizures as a "disturbance" in the brain, but many spiritual systems would regard the "trippy" aspect as a gift, of visionary ability. I'll look into this more.
Aroma therapy really helps. But I think it depends on to what extent your headache is. But this article is really good.
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