There was an article in the Charlotte Observer today explaining how many "do-it-yourselfers" are cutting back. Not doing as many home repair projects now or making their projects smaller than in the past. This only makes sense with the economic uncertainty that prevails today.
Let's think about the economy at a 50,000 foot level for a second. Consider these two words: confidence and backing. What backing does the U.S. dollar have today? Money used to be (many years ago) backed by gold. What backing does money have today besides the confidence of the American people. And what causes confidence? The President, the congress, the goverment, Iraq, Iran, Afghantistan, Russia? What cause loss of confidence? Certainly the media has a great deal to do with it. How much influence does the media have on our confidence, and therefore the economy?
These are all thoughts that I have pondered over the weekend and if you have any comments please share them. I would love to hear other considerations on this matter.
In my opinion a person's health has a great amount to do with his confidence. A year ago I was in such a quagmire with daily headaches that I was just about to give up. After trying some different herbal and homeopathic remedies I can honestly say that my life has taken on an entire new dimension. If your health is not as it should be check out the Feeling Outstanding webpage. There are many nutritional supplements that can do and do help.
Have a great week,
Tom Thorne
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