Every year the small town of Denver, NC has a community Festival they call 'Denver Days' in the fall. For entertainment this year the Marshall Tucker Band graced our presence. Coming to a small town like Denver where the band was probably lucky to break even financially was a real treat.
The entire band came, there were no studio musicians in their place. They were outstanding. They can jam right along with the Allman Brothers. Yes, Toy Caldwell is gone. But you know what? Chris Hicks is their new lead guitarist. Playing guitar right along side him is Clay Cook, both were great. Doug Gray, one of the finest country-rock vocalists ever to set foot on a stage has lost a bit but his presence alone made up for it. I counted 14 songs and the band played for a total of 2:20. Like I said, they were really jamming! It looked like they were having as much fun as we were. I stood right next to the stage for the entire concert.
As I was driving home from Thanksgiving dinner Thursday evening I was priviledged to hear another one of my old favorites on the radio, Billy Joel. This was a live recording from New York earlier in the year. I was absolutely thrilled when I heard one of my Top 10 of all time, played live once again, 'Piano Man'. To hear the audience singing every word of the song right along with with the piano man was quite touching. Billy, like Doug can't quite sing as he used to but I don't know if I have ever heard Piano Man played as well. The piano was mesmerizing. I sat in the 4th row in Chicago watching Bill Joel in 1977. That song brought back a lot of memories, good memories. Memories of a time when thing weren't so hectic.
It just goes to show what I have been saying. We can keep up our energy, stamina and mental alertness for a long time. The best way to do so is to keep up our exercise program, our good diet, get proper rest and our nutritional supplements.
For more information about herbal and homeopathic remedies visit http://www.feelingoutstanding.com/. Or if you want to trade concert or band stories with a long time rock-n-r0ll fan, I'm all for that too!
Tom Thorne