Saturday, January 31, 2009

Giving May Be More Important Now Than Ever - What is the Critical Enabling Factor?

In these times of uncertainties, nervousness and massive layoffs people are very concerned, and rightfully so. The causes of this economic turmoil will be debated for years but I think it is safe to say that it all boils down to too much risk, to much greed and too much ego at the top. Nevertheless, it is what it is and we have to deal with it. Companies are laying off unprecedented numbers of employees at a time, and this is causing many people to be in a real state of need. In this article I would like for us to consider what areas we give to, how we give and what the critical enabling factor for giving is.

First of all, consider the areas that we normally consider giving toward:

Our Community
Our Country
Our Faith/Charity
Our Family

There are three basic types of contribution: time, financial, labor/work. All three of these have a special area of importance. Consider the following three hypothetical situations regarding giving toward your family.

1. Your niece who has recently had her first child was let go from her job. She and her husband have been struggling trying to survive on one income and are having a very hard time. She has a job interview lined up but has no baby sitter for a couple of days as her normal baby sitter is on vacation. Here is an excellent opportunity for a donation of time to help your niece out in a pinch. No, it will not be easy watching the little 18 month old who is not feeling well for 4 hours from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., right during supper time. Realize, this is what your nice needs right now. She needs help and needs it now. She needs your time.

2. Your cousin, who is married and has two children had a good job but was let go seven months ago. He has been in the house he is living in now for 10 years and has a moderate house payment. Unfortunately he was in a very specialized field that paid well, but with current state of the economy finding a job is hard. His severance package was only for three months and his unemployment benefits ran out after six months. His oldest child is a sophomore in college and his two younger children are both in high school. He has literally done everything he can to cut costs, you have seen it and you are aware of it. Yet, you know from talking with him that he probably will not be able to make his next house payment. He does have several interviews scheduled as he has been diligent in his job search efforts. He just needs a boost. Can anyone afford to give him a financial boost and help him with his rent for this month? He needs financial assistance.

3. Your brother, who lives on the north side of town, could see the handwriting on the wall. His company of 210 employees one year ago is now down to 41. Profits have dropped severely. It was clearly stated that 12 more people were going to be let go within the next month. He has only been with the company for one year and he is almost positive he is next on the list to go. He made a bold, but it sure seemed like a smart move and decided to take a job with a different company south of town. The only problem is that he will have to move from his apartment as the commute would be just too far. He needs some labor assistance. He needs some help moving.

Three types of giving: time, finances, and labor/work are all equally critical at different times. But what is the one enabling factor for all three of these? What is the one thing that makes this all possible? The answer to that is health, good health. Without good health, we don't have time to spare; we don't have the ability to give good effort or labor; and without good health we cannot earn money to share. Let's not overlook our health in these times of economic uncertainty. In fact, let's pay special attention to maintaining and building our health so that we can not only withstand the pressures and stresses that will come our way but also so that we can give to others to help them in times of need.

I hope all is going well,
Tom Thorne

1 comment:

jh said...

wow. Thanks for the mock scenarios. It is so hard to know how to help sometimes and this really brought it home. Right now my mother is going through chemo for colon cancer and my father just lost his job. Instead of feeling scared for them I can give in the ways I am capable of. Staying healthy and able to help is a key to that. Thanks.

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