I firmly believe that diet and exercise are unquestionable keys to good health. And, probably most of you do too. Intrinsically, deep down inside, we all know this. My point is this, when start eating a more healthy diet and implement a sensible exercise program we know that our health will improve.
We need to keep our thoughts at a higher plain when disappointments occur. If we don't lose those 10 pounds in a month (as the advertisement told us we would) or we don't get those super ripped abs in 90 days, we cannot get discouraged. We know what we are doing is right. We have to keep it up. Like it or not, weight is not as evanescent as the advertisements tell us. If we get a cold or the flu, we cannot get discouraged. The right habits that we are now practicing did not cause it.
I absolutely abhor the avalanche of advertisements that this country faces that are outright false. The mendacity of some companies is appalling. There are so many ads that make losing weight, gaining huge muscle mass, developing ripped abs and getting in Superman like condition seem so easy just by taking their magic potion or doing their "quick" exercise routines.
Living life feeling outstanding comes from practicing good habits daily. To be successful in this quest it is imperative that we make positive thinking one of those habits. Doing the right thing leads to victory. Healthy people don't get there by magic. Positive thinking makes doing the right thing a whole lot easier.
Here's to good health.
Tom Thorne
We need to keep our thoughts at a higher plain when disappointments occur. If we don't lose those 10 pounds in a month (as the advertisement told us we would) or we don't get those super ripped abs in 90 days, we cannot get discouraged. We know what we are doing is right. We have to keep it up. Like it or not, weight is not as evanescent as the advertisements tell us. If we get a cold or the flu, we cannot get discouraged. The right habits that we are now practicing did not cause it.
I absolutely abhor the avalanche of advertisements that this country faces that are outright false. The mendacity of some companies is appalling. There are so many ads that make losing weight, gaining huge muscle mass, developing ripped abs and getting in Superman like condition seem so easy just by taking their magic potion or doing their "quick" exercise routines.
Living life feeling outstanding comes from practicing good habits daily. To be successful in this quest it is imperative that we make positive thinking one of those habits. Doing the right thing leads to victory. Healthy people don't get there by magic. Positive thinking makes doing the right thing a whole lot easier.
Here's to good health.
Tom Thorne
Good post, I very much agree that the public is being sold products that cannot possibly deliver what they promise. As far as thinking and eating right, I think it comes down to habits. One needs to develop the right habits to do these things and live well. Bad habits take about 3 weeks to change, but once changes occur they can really make a big difference.
Pretty blown away by the stature of information on this blog. There is a bunch of useful information here. I know I will check out this place another time.
Natural health remedies
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