Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chocolate, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Part II)

The first thing a person that needs to done when reading a study is to consider the source. Who conducted the study? If a motorcycle manufacturer conducted an exclusive study on quality of motorcycles would you not expect their respective brand to be at the top? Similarly, who conducted all of the studies on the benefits of chocolate? Taking a closer look, it can be discovered that once the studies funded by chocolate interest groups were discarded, the ones left offered conflicting results.

It must be mentioned though, that some isolated compounds in cocoa did show certain health benefits. If people were to consume pure cocoa, they might be able to enjoy some health benefits such as a positive effect on blood pressure and glucose metabolism. The issue is that the majority of people eat processed chocolate with all the other less desirable ingredients such as added sugar, corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, milk fats/dairy cream, etc.). In many cases the actual cocoa content may very well be less than 20%. With this being the case, the general conclusion that chocolate is healthy is much less persuasive.

In Part 3 of this series we will begin to look at the supposed benefits from a critical thought perspective.

Winter time is here. It's almost tax time which can be a big headache. If suffering from headaches is a part of your life, you may want to try the natural headache supplement called MigraDefense. It combines 5 of the most powerful natural headache remedies all in one punch. Take a look at it on the FeelingOutstanding web page.

Have a great 2009
Tom Thorne

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chocolate and Cocoa -- A Heavenly Delight or Not?

Recently there has been a surge of claims by various companies regarding the health benefits of chocolate and cocoa. If this is true, I am very happy. Chocolate sure tastes good and I haven't had more than a very small sampling in probably 12 years.

This claim deserves attention. In order not to just gloss over the facts I am going to devote a few blogs to this subject. As usual, I will pull no punches. Stay tuned, it will be interesting.

I have had great results using MigraDefense for headaches. If you suffer from frequent headaches I strongly recommend trying MigraDefense.

Have a great week!
Tom Thorne

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What a Difference a Pillow Makes!

There are some things that we all do almost every day. One of them is sleep. With the multitude of activities society demands on us today plus the fact that most of us have to work 8 or more hours we only have a limited amount of time for sleep. I think we all agree that we need to make the best of that time! In this article I want to discuss a technique used by many that has provided them with better quality sleep.

It seems that I have gone through a lot of pillows in my days. Often, after I have bought a new pillow and slept on it for a couple of months the characteristics of the pillow change drastically. In fact some pillows gets so bumpy that it feels like I'm sleeping on a pile or rocks. This has happened many times and I call such a pillow "the rocky mountains pillow." Other pillows are so big that you wake up with a sore neck. Chiropractors tout the cervical pillow very highly. I have had 3 cervical pillows over the years. The cervical pillow never was especially comfortable for me and I cannot say that it led to pleasant dreams.

This past summer my lovely wife Amy surprised me with a gift. Actually, she bought one for herself too. It was the Tony Little micropedic pillow. Having tried as many different pillows as I have, naturally I was very skeptical. As I took it out of the box I looked at it and told her that it looked very strange. Reluctantly, I laid my head down on it and my frown quickly morphed into a smile. The pillow was oh, so nice, it was just remarkable. I can honestly say that my wife and two daughters will admit that the Tony Little micropedic pillow is the most comfortable pillow we have ever slept on.

The Tony Little pillow has a quad chamber design that supports your back and spine in proper alignment while being soft enough to give great comfort. It is filled with air infused microbeads that make it always "self fluffing". Two spandex pillow cases came along with the pillows to help keep it cool and comfortable. You don't have to turn the pillow over to find the cool side.

In my next blog I will tell what I especially like about the pillow.

Have a great Christmas,
Tom Thorne

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Significant Improvement in Wellness Formula

My family has used the Source Naturals Wellness Formula product for years to help fight winter time diseases such as the cold and the flu. Durng this time of year I normally take 1 tablet per day. When I start to feel a cold or something wierd coming on I step it up right away. Often this stragegy has prevented illness from getting started.

The biggest complaints that people had about Wellness Formula was that the tablets were large, they did not go down your throat easily, and they had a bad odor to them. I am happy to say that now Wellness Formula comes in medium size gel capsules that go down much easier than the former large pills. The odor is gone also, they do not have a bad odor at all. Another step forward for what was already the leading winter time supplement.

Here's to a healthy winter!
Tom Thorne